In recent years, methods based on deep neural networks, and especially Neural Improvement (NI) models, have led to a revolution in the field of combinatorial optimization. Given an instance of a graph-based problem and a candidate solution, they are able to propose a modification rule that improves its quality. However, existing NI approaches only consider node features and node-wise positional encodings to extract the instance and solution information, respectively. Thus, they are not suitable for problems where the essential information is encoded in the edges. In this paper, we present a NI model to solve graph-based problems where the information is stored either in the nodes, in the edges, or in both of them. We incorporate the NI model as a building block of hill-climbing-based algorithms to efficiently guide the election of neighborhood operations considering the solution at that iteration. Conducted experiments show that the model is able to recommend neighborhood operations that are in the $99^{th}$ percentile for the Preference Ranking Problem. Moreover, when incorporated to hill-climbing algorithms, such as Iterated or Multi-start Local Search, the NI model systematically outperforms the conventional versions. Finally, we demonstrate the flexibility of the model by extending the application to two well-known problems: the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Graph Partitioning Problem.
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车载传感器的车载系统正在增强连接。这使信息共享能够实现对环境的更全面的理解。但是,通过公共蜂窝网络的同行通信带来了多个网络障碍以解决,需要网络系统来中继通信并连接无法直接连接的各方。 Web实时通信(WEBRTC)是跨车辆流媒体流媒体的良好候选者,因为它可以使延迟通信较低,同时将标准协议带到安全握手中,发现公共IP和横向网络地址转换(NAT)系统。但是,在基础架构中的端到端服务质量(QOS)适应,在该基础架构中,传输和接收是通过继电器解耦的,需要一种机制来有效地使视频流适应网络容量。为此,本文通过利用实时运输控制协议(RTCP)指标(例如带宽和往返时间)来调查解决分辨率,帧和比特率更改的机制。该解决方案旨在确保接收机上系统及时获得相关信息。在实际的5G测试台中分析了应用不同方法适应方法时对端到端吞吐量效率和反应时间的影响。
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